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Haunted History Lantern Tour

October 9, 2021 | 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Period-dressed guides will lead a family-friendly lantern tour through Narrowsburg’s Fort Delaware Museum of Colonial History where various story tellers will relate tales of “local histories and mysteries” — many based on actual events such as “Who Killed Joseph Skinner?” the leader of The Delaware Company who settled here in 1755.

Colonial Ghost Stories and music around a bonfire outside the stockade and tour participants are invited to purchase cider and donuts, then pull up a hay bale and give a listen ~ or dance a jig!

Everyone is encouraged to B.Y.O.F. (Bring Your Own Flashlight) but there will be ones available for purchase. The Fort’s Gift Shop (and Rest Rooms) will be open for the duration.

$10 individuals / $20 family

Haunted Tour


October 9, 2021
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Fort Delaware
6615 State Route 97
Narrowsburg, NY 12764 United States
+ Google Map